
Showing posts from March, 2021

Production blog: Filming

  After filming on Thursday we only met up one day during spring break. We met up on Monday because Adriana was going out of town for the rest of the week. We actually ended up not being able to film at all that day anyways. Jose was busy so he couldn’t make it to Isabel’s house then. We decided to just do some editing. Of course we were only able to edit to a certain degree.  I picked some shots that needed to be refilmed. So those shots weren’t able to be included in the editing. There were multiple gaps in between certain scenes. Those gaps are there for when we re-shoot. I’ll be able to edit the new scenes in to fill the spaces. We will have to schedule another day to get together and film. At Isabella’s house, we also went through a couple days to see how we could improve our own. If we were able to film on Monday, our film would probably be done by now. No we can’t really blame anyone because everyone has their own schedule. I’m thinking that we could film this weekend. However,

Production Blog

 Today, March 18, we met up to finally start filming. We initially decided that we were just going to film as much as possible for two hours. However, we decided that we would end up filming almost all of the scenes today. We started outside where Adriana, Jose, and Isabel would be walking up to their house. Then we shot all of the indoor scenes as it got darker outside so we could use the lighting.  We spent about four hours filming all of the seams. There were a lot of lines that we had to change to fit the dynamic of each scene better. The layout of Isabellas house was different than what I pictured. So some of the scenes had to be rewritten or just cut out completely. Acting wasn’t much of a problem. Basic expressions were made and there is no need for excessive or exaggerated reactions. Before we shot each scene we would do a read out of the script. Each person would be there line in order to make sure they had it ready, then we would film the scene. We also tried shooting some of
 We have set an official date to film for this week. Since Thursday is an early release day it was possible to film earlier than usual. We did want to film as soon as possible so it felt weird to only just start at the end of the week but being early release means we can spend more time on that day to film. We originally planned to film on Tuesday but my mom has work and she won’t be able to take me to Isabel’s house. So far we have just been planning. I feel like we’re behind because a few production blogs have gone by without us filming yet. However, I can’t really blame anyone because we all have our own schedules that we need to adjust to. This project is a very important grade and we know how serious it is. That is why we decided to really buckle down during spring break.  We wanted to finish filming and editing before spring break ends. We’re not sure if it’ll be possible but we can only move on and do as much as we can as soon as possible. I’m a little nervous because I’ve never

Production blog

 Since my group wasn’t able to film this week, we mainly focused on researching our genre more. I also did some scene selection from the storyboard because I knew that all of the scenes wouldn’t make it into the final product. Acting was definitely something that kept coming up in discussions. None of us have much acting experience so we were worried about scenes that may be harder to act out. For example, when Jade starts crying after realizing their mom isn’t home. It may not seem like a big deal, but it could be harder to “fake cry” for that scene. Therefore, we had to decide whether to remove that scene or to change it. Since that scene was a bit more important because it introduces the actual problem of the story, we decided to change the approach. Instead of crying and stating that “she’s gone”, Jade would have to run down and ask her siblings if they knew where their mother was. We decided that on our first filming day, we’ll get as much done as possible. We wanted to not have t

Production Blog

 Saturday, March 7 you’re supposed to be our first filming day. We were planning on filming about three scenes since it was going to be the first time. However we weren’t able to film on Saturday after all. Isabel had mandatory softball practice and a game today March 8th. Since we are using her house for the setting for most of the scenes, we couldn’t really film much. She also appears in most of the scenes as well with additional voice overs in some scenes.  I also was not able to film because I was on a trip with my family. My mother’s birthday was on Saturday and we planned a trip for the Sunday right after. By the time we all finished what we were occupied with, it was too late to actually go to Isabel’s house to film. Adriana, who is one of our cast members also had softball practice with Isabel so she couldn’t shoot any individual scenes. I decided to just do a little more research on lighting and camera angles for the film since I would be behind the camera. I noticed that our

Filming Blog

So far our group hasn’t started filming yet. We decided to wait until after this blog to film. There are a few reasons why we weren’t able to start filming right away after our planning. There is a pretty short window between the last blog and this one. It would’ve taken a little more time to get all of the cast together and agree to film on a certain day. So we decided to film in a couple of days. We took this time to plan out a little more on the backstory of our film. This was so that each scene would make a little more sense and flow easily. This made it easier when practicing the script. It allowed us to know what expressions and what investors we may have to use certain scenes. We decided that all of the scenes in our storyboard and script weren’t going to end up making it to the actual film. This was because The number of lines and scenes we have put together seem like they would definitely exceed two minutes. We also had to clarify how long each scene was going to be. Some of t

Planning blog: location, participants, health, schedule

  Schedule: 3/7/21: Filming will begin on this day. We will be filming the introductory outdoor scenes from scene 3 to scene 5. 3/14/21-3/18-21: Here we will be filming the majority of the scenes especially the main ones that contribute to the plot. This will be scenes 2 and 6-10. 3/20/21: We will begin to film the last few scenes and start to put all of them together. These will be scenes 11-15 3/21/21-3/25/21:This is when we will look over all of our scenes and reshoot any that could be better. It will be the time where we improve all of the scene qualities before editing. Location: The location will be at Isabel’s house. We will film the majority of the film inside Isabel’s house and a couple of scenes outside.  Participants: Actors:           Isabel Vera: Jade         Jose Reyes: Emmanuel          Adriana Lee-Fook: Lina  Filming      Esther A.     Isabel V. Editing      Esther A.     Isabel V.      Jose R. Directing:      Esther A.     Isabel V. Safety Team     Esther A.     Isabel

Planning blog: Titles

Production company: Florida production  Studio: Miami movie studio Actors names: Jose, Isabel, Esther, Adriana Film title: The Missing Music by: Fesliyan Studios Edited by: Esther, Isabel, Jose Produced by: Esther Executive producer: Jose Story by: Esther Written by: Jose, Esther, Isabel Directed by: Esther The title of this film is likely to be called "The Missing". We are going to put it with all bold letters such as " The Missing ". We are also going to put all names of the people that are in the film in red. For example: “ Directed by  Esther ” Depending on the background we will use black or white text. The font we are using is "Felix Titling" Each title is going to be on for 3 to 4 seconds.

Planning blog: Storyboard

  In the first page it starts out with a black screen which in the film will include asynchronous sound of a bell ringing. The following scenes will then introduce the main characters and setting of the film which will also include dialogue. The next page illustrates when the kids arrive home and notice that their mom is missing. Here they see that their house has been trashed and hear a scream signalizing that their mother may be in danger. The next few illustrations basically show how the kids continue to search for their mother and confirm that she is no where to be found . 

Planning Blog: Scripts

 Opening Sequence Script Scene1: -[school bell ringing] Scene2 -no dialogue  Scene3 -Lina: “Hey wait up. You guys walk way too fast” -Emmanuel: “We aren’t walking fast, you’re just slow! -Emmanuel and Jade: [Laughter] “hahaha” -Lina: “Hey! I’m gonna tell mom haha] Scene4 -Jade(V.O): “School’s finally over” -Lina(V.O): “And mom’s birthday is just around the corner” -Emmanuel: “Ow. I think I just got a splinter.” -Jade: “Ooo Emmanuel got hurt Haha.” -Emmanuel: “Hey! What’s so funny” -Lina: “It’s cause you always claim that something bad happens when you get hurt” -Emmanuel: “But it’s true!” -Lina: “Whatever. Mom’s birthday is coming up so don’t spoil the mood” -Emmanuel: “Fine. Fine.” Scene5 -Emmanuel : “Do you think she’ll like the gift we got her?” -Jade: “Shh. What if she hears you inside?” -Lina: “She’ll like it. She likes everything we give her.” -Emmanuel: “Yeah but you know she’s been in a bad mood lately. She was on the phone with someone the other day and she didn’t sound to hap