Production blog: Filming

 After filming on Thursday we only met up one day during spring break. We met up on Monday because Adriana was going out of town for the rest of the week. We actually ended up not being able to film at all that day anyways. Jose was busy so he couldn’t make it to Isabel’s house then. We decided to just do some editing. Of course we were only able to edit to a certain degree. 

I picked some shots that needed to be refilmed. So those shots weren’t able to be included in the editing. There were multiple gaps in between certain scenes. Those gaps are there for when we re-shoot. I’ll be able to edit the new scenes in to fill the spaces. We will have to schedule another day to get together and film. At Isabella’s house, we also went through a couple days to see how we could improve our own.

If we were able to film on Monday, our film would probably be done by now. No we can’t really blame anyone because everyone has their own schedule. I’m thinking that we could film this weekend. However, I would have to ask my group and Adriana if they will be available. Since school has resumed, I know that Isabella and Adriana will probably have softball practice on some days. We would have to work around their schedules as well. We actually already have most of our film’s scenes. If we could just meet up once more the rest would be easy to finish.


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