Planning blog: location, participants, health, schedule


3/7/21: Filming will begin on this day. We will be filming the introductory outdoor scenes from scene 3 to scene 5.

3/14/21-3/18-21: Here we will be filming the majority of the scenes especially the main ones that contribute to the plot. This will be scenes 2 and 6-10.

3/20/21: We will begin to film the last few scenes and start to put all of them together. These will be scenes 11-15

3/21/21-3/25/21:This is when we will look over all of our scenes and reshoot any that could be better. It will be the time where we improve all of the scene qualities before editing.


The location will be at Isabel’s house. We will film the majority of the film inside Isabel’s house and a couple of scenes outside.



         Isabel Vera: Jade

        Jose Reyes: Emmanuel 

        Adriana Lee-Fook: Lina 


    Esther A.

    Isabel V.


    Esther A.

    Isabel V. 

    Jose R.


    Esther A.

    Isabel V.

Safety Team

    Esther A.

    Isabel V. 

    Jose R.

    Adriana L.

    Elvira M.

Health and Safety

For safety measures, we will all be very organized and well planned to ensure that nothing will be out of place and where no one will get injured. Our location will be in a house and we will not be necessarily using any weapons of any sort, so regardless there are low risks of us getting injured. For safety measures, we will constantly stay organized and be alert of anything that may happen outside or anything that may happen inside of the house. There will be an adult with us (Elvira M.) and she will stay in another room if anything were to happen to any of us. Because of the global pandemic-Covid-19-we will all make sure that we keep our masks on whenever we can and try to social distance and keep away from crowds throughout the times of the filming process.


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