Planning Blog: Scripts

 Opening Sequence Script


-[school bell ringing]


-no dialogue 


-Lina: “Hey wait up. You guys walk way too fast”

-Emmanuel: “We aren’t walking fast, you’re just slow!

-Emmanuel and Jade: [Laughter] “hahaha”

-Lina: “Hey! I’m gonna tell mom haha]


-Jade(V.O): “School’s finally over”

-Lina(V.O): “And mom’s birthday is just around the corner”

-Emmanuel: “Ow. I think I just got a splinter.”

-Jade: “Ooo Emmanuel got hurt Haha.”

-Emmanuel: “Hey! What’s so funny”

-Lina: “It’s cause you always claim that something bad happens when you get hurt”

-Emmanuel: “But it’s true!”

-Lina: “Whatever. Mom’s birthday is coming up so don’t spoil the mood”

-Emmanuel: “Fine. Fine.”


-Emmanuel : “Do you think she’ll like the gift we got her?”

-Jade: “Shh. What if she hears you inside?”

-Lina: “She’ll like it. She likes everything we give her.”

-Emmanuel: “Yeah but you know she’s been in a bad mood lately. She was on the phone with someone the other day and she didn’t sound to happy.”

-Lina: “Then we can use her birthday as an opportunity to cheer her up”

Scene 6

-No dialogue 

Scene 7

-Jade: “Let’s just head inside. If we stay out here for too long she might come looking for us.”

-Emmanuel (V.O): “Haha. Sounds just like her”

-Mom: [scream!]

-Emmanuel: “What was that!”

-Jade: “Move!”

-Lina: “Jade!”


-No dialogue 

Scene 9

-Lina: “Jade why did you push Emmanuel like that?!”

-Lina: “Woah what the heck happened here?!”


Mom: [shriek]


-Emmanuel: “did you guys hear that?” 


-Jade: “What was it?”

-Emmanuel: “No one was there but the door’s open”



-Jade: “MOM!”

Scene 13

-Lina: “Jade what’s wrong? You keep storming off without saying anything”

-Jade [crying]: “She’s gone! She’s not...”

-Emmanuel: “Wait what’s that?”

-Emmanuel: “What does it say”

-Lina: *reads letter*... “It says mom was...kidnapped”

-Jade and Emmanuel: “We have to call the police!”

-Lina: “No! We can’t!

-Jade: “WHAT?! Mom is gone! Someone took her! Why don’t you want us to call the police?!”

-Lina: “Because I think I know who kidnapped her”

Shooting script

Scene 1

-A school bell rings

Scene 2

-School bus passes quickly by the screen


-Cuts to a long shot of Emmanuel Jade and Lina walking

-cuts to Lina complaining 

-cuts to Emmanuel making fun of Lina

-Lina retaliates against Emmanuel’s joke

Scene 4

-The characters talk about school and their mother’s birthday 

-The camera cuts to a view of the house

-Cuts to the kids walking up to the fence 

-Emmanuel tries to open the fence gate and gets a “splinter” then swiftly pulls his hand back

-Jade laughs at Emmanuel 

-Emmanuel holds a sad expression after Jade laughs

-Lina explains why Jade is laughing in that situation 

-Emmanuel tries to defend himself

-The characters change the subject 


-All three of them walk of to their house

-They stop at the front door 

-Emmanuel brings up their mom’s birthday gift

-Jade warns Emmanuel about talking about the gift

-Lina: looks at Emmanuel and Answers his question

-Emmanuel looks at Lina with a sad expression and reminds her of their mother’s recent behavior

-Ominous music quietly fades in 

-Lina dismisses the problem by giving a “solution”


-Cuts to inside of the house

-Very Low key lighting throughout 

-Slowly zooming out from the door

-Muffled Voice over of the kids outside


-Jade ends the conversation and says to move on inside and comments on their mother’s typical habits 

-Emmanuel agrees

-They go for the door and slightly open it

-Close up of Emmanuel’s hand on the door handle

-A scream comes from inside of the house

-Emmanuel, in shock, swings the door open and attempts to run inside 

-Jade runs in frame and pushes Emmanuel out of the doorway 

-Jade runs into the house

-Lina walks into the doorway in surprise at Jade’s actions


-Cuts to the inside of the house

-Low key lighting

-The kidnapper restrains the mom after hearing the kids

-Cuts Jade stands by the living room with a shocked expression after seeing the messy living room 


-Cuts back to the doorway 

-Lina and Emmanuel run into the house after Jade

-Lina questions Jade and pauses after seeing the messy living room

-Camera pans across the room

-Lina observes the room with surprise 

Scene 10

-Short take

-The mother shrieks to draw the attention of her kids


-There is a bang coming from the dining area 

-Emmanuel hears the noise and runs towards it

-Camera pans to the dining area

-Emmanuel runs in

-He notices the open sliding door 

-Camera zooms into the door

-Emmanuel runs back towards his sisters 

-Camera cuts to the living room

-Jade asks Emmanuel what he saw

-Emmanuel answers with a concerned look on his face

-Medium close up of Jade’s face as she comes to a realization 

-She gasps and runs off screen towards the stairs


-Camera cuts to the stairs

-Jade runs on screen and up the stairs 

-She arrives at the top and starts to look for they mom, calling out to her

-Low key lighting 

-She runs back down stairs towards the others


-Cuts back to the living room

-Jade starts to cry

-Lina asks Jade why she’s been behaving strangely

-Jade looks up at her siblings and tell them that their mother is gone

-Before Jade can finish Emmanuel cuts her off as he tilts his head towards the television 

-He notices something 

-The camera cuts to a note placed on the tv stand

-With a confused expression, he asks what it says

-Close up of the note as Lina silently reads the contents

-She explains what it says to the others

-Emmanuel and Jade are shocked as they simultaneously say to call the police 

-Lina bluntly refuses

-Jade angrily asks Lina why she refused 

-Lina drops a shocking reply

-Camera zooms in on Lina’s face

-Screen goes black

-Music fades out


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