
Showing posts from February, 2021

Title Research: Gone Girl

  Art of the Title The opening sequence shows the production company in charge of the film. It shows the company that works with distributing the movie. The film then starts to show the actors playing in the movie.  The sequence then starts to name the people who helped cast the film, as well as the director. It showed who was in charge of music, costuming, editing, photography, then the producers. Throughout the sequence, there was mysterious music, which is usually seen in thrillers. pictures on the screen changed as the titles changed. So there was a new title for every new picture. The setting seemed to be in a town that didn't have many people in it. We could probably say that this town is small or not very popular. There is a voice of a man talking about him and his wife. When he mentions her hair t here was a scene of a woman with blonde hair laying down. From what the man is saying, we can tell that they don't have a normal relationship. This would definitely get the vi

Title Research: Panic Room

Art of the Title   The opening sequence shows the production company in charge of the film. It shows the company that works with distributing the movie. The film then starts to show the actors playing in the movie.  Then it shows the title of the film.  The sequence then starts to name the people who helped cast the film, as well as the director. It showed who was in charge of music, costuming, editing, photography, then the producers.  The opening sequence is in a city. it consists of tall buildings and roads of the city. These images and the city clips may indicate where the entire film will take place. There could also be an important building that plays into the plot. Sometimes in thrillers, you find out that one of the previous settings had an important aspect to put the plot together. The opening could also be foreshadowing of what places will be important later on. The music used in the opening sounds very suspenseful. There were not many pictures aside from the building. This o

Title Research: Hulk

  Art of the Title The opening sequence shows the production company in charge of the film. It shows the company that works with distributing the movie. The film then starts to show the actors playing in the movie.  Then it shows the title of the film.  The sequence then starts to name the people who helped cast the film, as well as the director. It showed who was in charge of music, costuming, editing, photography, then the producers.  The images used seem to mainly be about biology. There are multiple particles that seem to be cells. It then shows clips of a man and a few animals in what appears to be a lab. The sequence also focuses on words that were written by the man on paper. At the very beginning, there were a series of comic pages which tells us that the movie may be an adaption to the comics. We can conclude from these images that the man is performing experiments on these animals for a theory he may have. Based on the words written on the papers that were focused on, we can

Title Research: Glass

Art of the Title The opening sequence shows the production company in charge of the film. It shows the company that works with distributing the movie. Then it shows the title of the film. The film then starts to show the actors playing in the movie. The sequence then starts to name the people who helped cast the film, as well as the director. It showed who was in charge of music, costuming, editing, photography, then the producers.  The opening sequence starts off with a recap. this film is a sequel, so it begins by introducing the main character of the original. Later on, it introduces some of the other characters. It builds the moment by showing background events that lead to the appearance of the next potential main character.  The first clip of the man speaking to the girls can allow us to assume that the man has some sort of psychological disorder. The way he is acting all calm and friendly in this situation tells us that whatever his issue is will be part of the main plot. The sc

Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

Image Now, this website was incredible at the start and full of colors. It caught my attention instantly when entering it. I came to this website to learn more about thriller movies. There are so many great things to learn on this website from not only movies and tv shows but also video games and student projects. On this website, you can also watch the designers being interviewed which is really cool and helpful. There weren't too many designers for a thriller on this website bu with what it had was enough. After looking at thriller at looked at some other genres such as comedy and action. I also got curious and looked at the video games section. There wasn't too much in the video game section though compared to the other sections. I was here to mostly just research thriller but I ended up looking at more than just that and it was fun to learn about other genres. 

Title research: Art of the Titles Website

Image To start off this website obviously talks about movies but it goes into details with each movie and scene. I like how on this website there is a lot of URLs and links to not only videos but more pages with research. I trying to find thriller movies or pages with thriller movie information. In the beginning, when I first clicked on the website I was really confused about where to go and look but after a little bit of time I figured it out. I can't even tell you how many people this website describes because there are so many. Well over 100 people are on this massive list of designers. I learned about a few of the designers and what they do in order for movies to happen. I also learned about them and how they got to this career. This website was really helpful to learn about a few designers that work with thriller movies and other movies too. An overall great website to learn about the design world and about movies.

Genre Research: IT

  This movie, “IT”, is about seven kids being haunted by an evil entity. “It” appears as a creepy clown, and uses people fears to terrorize them. He the feeds off of those fears and uses them to disguise itself. It’s main targets are children because they are easier to scare. What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?  In this film, the plot builds slowly and gets more intense as it goes on. We want are film to have a similar concept. Though it will only be the opening two minutes, we want the viewers to be able to tell that the film will have a stronger plot as it goes on.  • What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? There was a LOT of suspense in this movie. Some people aren’t really into thrillers or horrors so they tend to cover their faces a lot when watching a film such as this one. “IT” had more than enough scenes to make the audience anxious and almost afraid. Thrillers can also create another level of anxiety b

Genre Research: Extraction

Extraction is about someone trying to save a boy's life because he had been kidnapped. The boy had disappeared just like in our film where the mother had disappeared on the three kids. Our movie can compare to Extraction because it's all about the three kids trying to rescue their mom. Movies like these gives you more ideas for what to film in the future and better understanding of things. This is a really great movie to watch if you love triller movies. I feel like this is a mix between thriller and action with all the fight scenes and gun fire but then again, most thriller movies are like that.  The fight scenes to this movie were amazing with the knife fights and the gun fights. This movie is one of my favorites from 2020. I really liked how at the beginning the main character made an action-packed entrance where he jumped off a cliff into the water and stayed down there for a while. There are a lot of unexpected twist to this movie and I like that about it. It's like ta

Genre research: 6 Underground

What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?  For one, this film is a thriller like the movie we plan on filming. The first 2 minutes of 6 Underground grabbed the audience’s attention for sure. By the end of those two minutes, I definitely would want to keep watching. We want our film to also have that captivating experience to make the viewers not want to give up after watching the first bit.  What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? The film was exciting. It immediately got us questioning what was going on as soon as it started. By the time the first part of the film ended, there was already a twist. It completely changed the mood of not just the movie, but also the audience. There were multiple scenes that made the audience pay close attention and keep up with what was happening. The quick scene changes and clips were really cool because they added to the anticipation of the audience. •What elements of the genre did t

Genre Research: Action

 In action films, there is a variety of components that makes it fit into its genre. Commonly seen lighting in action films includes can range from low-key lighting to high-key lighting. Both of which create a certain type of atmosphere depending on the scene. Camera angles basically make up the movie whether it is to allow the audience to understand what is happening in the scene or the viewpoints of different characters. In many action movies, there are establishing shots, which show the audience what is happening in the movie. Whether it is filming a fight between protagonists and antagonists or it is to highlight the importance of the location in the film. There are also establishing shots, Ariel shots, and mid and high-angle shots. This is to also create a deeper understanding of what is being filmed below and creates a more dramatic feel to the scene. Movement in action movies is what creates a flow in or between scenes. Common camera movements like Pans, zooms, reverse zooms, ti

Genre research:Thriller

Thrillers will use any film aspect that emphasizes the suspense or excitement of the film Some camera angles used in Thrillers are close-ups: which are typically used to show a character’s expression or reaction to an event, point of view shots: which engages the audience in the scene by putting them in the character’s position, high angles: which could symbolize looking down on a character in thrillers, and the opposite, low angles: which could portray the character as someone more powerful of superior. High Angle Low Angle Camera movements commonly noticed in thrillers include tracking, pans, and tilts. Tracking is used to build suspense. The camera follows a moving object or character and allows the audience to anticipate what the scene is leading to. Pans can be used to show a comparison between two or more characters, or just to show the scene’s setting more. Tilts are also used to showcase a setting, scene, or character. Tilts sometimes focus of one subject, and the camera moves

Genre Research: Comedy

This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office . For this assignment, we were asked to choose and research a genre of our choice. This project was made to explain the different aspects of the genre we chose. We were then asked to make a presentation on the said genre, where we would show the information we got from our research. The genre researched here was a comedy. At the time, the reason we chose this genre was that we thought that comedies had a lot of film aspects. compared to other film genres, comedies were able to use the characteristics of any other genre and would still be seen as a comedy. In the PowerPoint, we mentioned types of film lighting and camera angles and movements. Generally speaking, comedies used all types of lighting and camera angles. Some camera movements used in comedies are pans, tilts, zooms, and others see in the PowerPoint. They use  We talked about some aspects of Mis en Scene, as well as different sounds. Comedies are able to us

Our Pitch

Pitch 1. A groom sets out to track down a bounty hunter after his bride is killed at the altar.  Pitch 1. Three siblings come home from school to find their beloved foster mother missing. The reason we came up with these two pitches is that we decided that we wanted a thriller or mystery. The first pitch was just a random idea that came up while brainstorming. Since we wanted a thriller or mystery, it was a little harder to think of any other idea that didn't involve those two genres. Those genres made it easier for us because we thought they may have caught the viewers' attention better. We wanted the two minutes we were going to film to have an element of mystery. We wanted the viewers to be able to create their own scenarios based on what they've seen. Ultimately, we chose the second pitch, where the kids came home to their missing mother because it was the most convenient for the three of us. we wouldn't have to spend much money on things like costuming and props. A

Starting the Final Task

Hi! My name is Esther Ariseloye, a sophomore attending Fort Lauderdale High School. Fort Lauderdale High For this project, I will be working with Isabel V. and Jose R. I chose to work with these two because of the Corona Virus Pandemic. It's more convenient to work with people I know rather than the other students, which I've never met or hardly know. I think working with someone is better than working alone in my opinion. Working alone would be a little more challenging for me because I don't have a strong creative process. I believe that working with other people would help when coming up with ideas for our film. I also think that more people just means more eyes to point out mistakes or factors of the film that needs improvements. Another reason is that I haven't been able to meet many people, other than my family,  since the pandemic started.  Virus This film was an opportunity to change my setting and finally get outside of the house. This assignment makes up a hug