Title research: Art of the Titles Website
To start off this website obviously talks about movies but it goes into details with each movie and scene. I like how on this website there is a lot of URLs and links to not only videos but more pages with research. I trying to find thriller movies or pages with thriller movie information. In the beginning, when I first clicked on the website I was really confused about where to go and look but after a little bit of time I figured it out. I can't even tell you how many people this website describes because there are so many. Well over 100 people are on this massive list of designers. I learned about a few of the designers and what they do in order for movies to happen. I also learned about them and how they got to this career. This website was really helpful to learn about a few designers that work with thriller movies and other movies too. An overall great website to learn about the design world and about movies.
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