Genre Research: Comedy

For this assignment, we were asked to choose and research a genre of our choice. This project was made to explain the different aspects of the genre we chose. We were then asked to make a presentation on the said genre, where we would show the information we got from our research. The genre researched here was a comedy. At the time, the reason we chose this genre was that we thought that comedies had a lot of film aspects. compared to other film genres, comedies were able to use the characteristics of any other genre and would still be seen as a comedy. In the PowerPoint, we mentioned types of film lighting and camera angles and movements. Generally speaking, comedies used all types of lighting and camera angles. Some camera movements used in comedies are pans, tilts, zooms, and others see in the PowerPoint. They use  We talked about some aspects of Mis en Scene, as well as different sounds. Comedies are able to use any type of costume, makeup, props, setting as long as it plays into the comedy aspect and the plot of the film. As for acting, the characters of a film have to act according to the script of their genre. The PowerPoint explains that since comedies are meant to have humor and essentially make the audience laugh, the actors must have a humorous attitude. The audience wouldn’t know that something was meant to be a joke if the actor doesn’t make it noticeable in the way they act. All of the film aspects mentioned were those commonly seen in comedies. All types of sounds are used in comedies from diegetic to ambient sounds. It all depends on what’s happening in the scene. The PowerPoint gives examples of each of these film characteristics. It also shows some examples of films put into the comedy genre. The PowerPoint includes a soundtrack of a song used in a comedy film. This song was used to show the type of sounds that can be used in different comedies. The PowerPoint closes by explaining the overall pros and cons of comedies. 


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