Starting the Final Task

Hi! My name is Esther Ariseloye, a sophomore attending Fort Lauderdale High School.

Fort Lauderdale High

For this project, I will be working with Isabel V. and Jose R. I chose to work with these two because of the Corona Virus Pandemic. It's more convenient to work with people I know rather than the other students, which I've never met or hardly know. I think working with someone is better than working alone in my opinion. Working alone would be a little more challenging for me because I don't have a strong creative process. I believe that working with other people would help when coming up with ideas for our film. I also think that more people just means more eyes to point out mistakes or factors of the film that needs improvements. Another reason is that I haven't been able to meet many people, other than my family,  since the pandemic started. 


This film was an opportunity to change my setting and finally get outside of the house. This assignment makes up a huge percent of our grade, but even if it was a small part of our grade, I would do the best I could to make it look like the real thing. All of the projects we've worked on so far have been pretty interesting. They all made room for creativity and were not too difficult for those who were actually willing to put their best into them. However, I'm a lot more excited about this project. Not only do we have a bit of time to thoroughly plan out where when, and how we are going to execute our plan for the film. By the end of this process, I plan to have a film that I can look at and want to watch more of. I look forward to meeting with my group members to plan, and then finally filming our scenes for this film.


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