Title Research: Gone Girl
Art of the Title
Throughout the sequence, there was mysterious music, which is usually seen in thrillers. pictures on the screen changed as the titles changed. So there was a new title for every new picture. The setting seemed to be in a town that didn't have many people in it. We could probably say that this town is small or not very popular. There is a voice of a man talking about him and his wife. When he mentions her hair there was a scene of a woman with blonde hair laying down. From what the man is saying, we can tell that they don't have a normal relationship. This would definitely get the viewer's attention because they would be questioning his words and what type of relationship they have. That scene of the woman also lets the audience for ideas of what characters are important in the film. Since the name is "Gone Girl", the audience would probably come to the conclusion that the blonde woman is said girl.
The Tone of the man's voice also adds to the strange atmosphere. Thrillers tend to use calmer methods and casual actions to represent bizarre ideas or events. The tone of his voice seems to be one of those instances. He may sound calm, but I feel like the audience can tell that it is all a facade and he may be crazy or disturbed.
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