
Showing posts from December, 2020

7 Years Music Video

This project was not as hard as I thought it would be. At first, when the teacher told us that this next project was a music video, I was very worried. I thought we would have to make up our own lyrics and film ourselves singing or something. I later learned that was not the case. for this assignment, we were asked to choose a song and film scenes that match the song. The scenes also had to tell a story. I couldn't just be random clips pasted together. At first, I couldn't decide which song to pick. There were many songs in my head but none of them seemed to have lyrics that would be easy to match when filming. It almost felt like I was trying to choose an "easy" song. However, it was more like making sure I had the capabilities to film what would match whatever song I chose. For example, if I was thinking of using a song that talked about different luxury cars, it would make sense for me to include scenes of cars. However, because we only have one car, which isn'

Editing for my Music Video

As soon as I finished filminto edit my scenes on Friday the 4th of December, i started editing my clips. Since i started the videos a few seconds before the scene actually began, i had to cut off the excess clips of the video. I tried to cut off the sound of each video before uploading it into the editing site, but when I uploaded them, the sound would just come back. So I decided to move on with other edits I wanted to make before I added the clips to clipchap. I wanted to make the scenes black and white because the song is reflecting on the persons life almost. i just used a filter on my phone to make all of the scenes black and white.  As i was snipping some clips i noticed that some of the scenes wrent really the best. So i decided to re film them. For example, I noticed that the scenes that included the parents were included was shot a little far. The position of the camera was too far from where the people were. Howeer, when i moved closer, the camera didn't capture the entir

Filming for my Music Video Part 2

On Wednesday, December 2nd, I made my first filming blog for this music video. Up until that point, I hadn't finished filming all the scenes I wanted to film. Between then and that Friday, the Fourth of December, I made a few changes to some scenes I wanted to film. For example, instead of "the boy" just walking up to the job application flyer, I decided to add in a scene where he was at a job interview as well.  This time, I also shot the low angle of myself walking. After a bit more research, I was actually able to get a good enough shot to use for the corresponding scene. I started shooting from scene 11 where the dad is telling the son something. The reason I started with this scene was that it took place inside of my house so there wasn't the need for much movement. I also shot the new scene with the job interview because it also took place inside of my house. Conveniently, I had a simple black desk and an office chair that I could use to film that scene. I used

Filming for my Music Video

  Initially, I was planning to film during thanksgiving break. However, since my family was planning for thanksgiving, I was occupied with helping out. The past few weeks had also been hectic because of a family emergency so I was also busy helping with whatever I could. There may have been a few moments I could've used to film, but I just never thought about it. The only scene I was really able to film was the view of the sky. After Thanksgiving, my family and I grilled outside, so I was able to just set the camera up on a time-lapse while pointed towards the sky. I will add the amount of time that I need and cut out any additional time. As soon as school ended at 2:30pm on Monday, November 30th, I got to filming. Of course, I had already planned what and how I was going to film the scenes for the music video. So all that was left was to get the people I needed for the scenes. everyone I was going to film is part of my family and most of the shots were done in my house so it shoul