Editing for my Music Video

As soon as I finished filminto edit my scenes on Friday the 4th of December, i started editing my clips. Since i started the videos a few seconds before the scene actually began, i had to cut off the excess clips of the video. I tried to cut off the sound of each video before uploading it into the editing site, but when I uploaded them, the sound would just come back. So I decided to move on with other edits I wanted to make before I added the clips to clipchap. I wanted to make the scenes black and white because the song is reflecting on the persons life almost. i just used a filter on my phone to make all of the scenes black and white. 
As i was snipping some clips i noticed that some of the scenes wrent really the best. So i decided to re film them. For example, I noticed that the scenes that included the parents were included was shot a little far. The position of the camera was too far from where the people were. Howeer, when i moved closer, the camera didn't capture the entire view I wanted it to. In the end, i decided to stand on something to get a bit of a higher angle while at a closer position. This way, it could capture a little more of the scene i was going for.
I thought that i would have to go to the store to get more printer ink since my printer was running low. Then i remembered that the scenes would be in black and white. Another thing i was worried about also had to do with the parents scenes. I kept forgetting which one came first between the mother and the father in the song. So i had to listen to it over and over until i realized that one person would be playing both the mother and the father anyways. 
After making sure all my scenes were cut in the right places and in the right order, I then added them to clipchamp. I had to upload the song onto clipchamp and line up the scenes to the parts of the song. There were some clips that still went on even after their part of the song passed. So I either decided to speed the clips up or snip them to be shorter to match the length. There weren't really any scenes that were too short. If they were, the transitions filled in the space for them. Since I made sure all the scenes fit into the parts of the song they belonged in, the video ended up being just the right length.


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