Filming for my Music Video Part 2

On Wednesday, December 2nd, I made my first filming blog for this music video. Up until that point, I hadn't finished filming all the scenes I wanted to film. Between then and that Friday, the Fourth of December, I made a few changes to some scenes I wanted to film. For example, instead of "the boy" just walking up to the job application flyer, I decided to add in a scene where he was at a job interview as well. 

This time, I also shot the low angle of myself walking. After a bit more research, I was actually able to get a good enough shot to use for the corresponding scene. I started shooting from scene 11 where the dad is telling the son something. The reason I started with this scene was that it took place inside of my house so there wasn't the need for much movement. I also shot the new scene with the job interview because it also took place inside of my house. Conveniently, I had a simple black desk and an office chair that I could use to film that scene. I used a dining chair for my brother to sit on because I didn't have anything else. My sister who played the mother and the father, as well as the friend in scene 7, also ended up playing the interviewer. I obviously made sure she looked "different" each time so that it was obvious that she was acting as someone else. My brother, who played the eleven-year-old was basically the main character of the song. So he was in most of the scenes.

Then I shot the low angle scene of myself walking as well as the scene where the boy walks up to a job application that he notices. For this scene, I used Microsoft PowerPoint to create a fake job flyer. I actually spent more time on it than I needed to because I made it colorful. However, I was going to be making the scenes black and white which meant that the colors wouldn't even show up. At the same time, it meant that I didn't have to buy more printer ink from the store for now. I could use that time to continue filming. I finally shot the scene where my brother was opening the door at the gas station. I filmed this last because I had to go somewhere else to film it.


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