Convention Research: Dust


This short film was very consistent in the conventions used. Though there wasn’t that much difference in the editing, lighting, sound, costuming, or camera movements/angles, it definitely embodied the drama genre. It didn’t start off with any sort of establishing shot to show the scene, but from the context clues, the viewers are able to tell that it begins in front of the little girls school or some sort of class.

There is non-diegetic music playing throughout but there are also diegetic sounds heard in the film. There is no form of dialogue or speaking, with the exception of the ending where the mother tells the child to turn the light off, so most of the diegetic sounds are made from objects in the scene.

Some of the objects, or props, include the backpack or the light lamp. Some of the more significant props are the white powder and the wings which we could say is also part of the costuming. They seem to be added to be a part of the story or director’s message. The costuming overall is just basic modern clothing since the setting also seems to be during a more modern time. 

The director of the short film switches between high key and low key lighting often. During the beginning of the film, it is day time so the lighting is high key. But when it gets later into the film, some low key lighting scenes are added to match the plot. Low key lighting is used in places like the girl’s bedroom or outside since it is night time. High key lighting is used in between each scene when it cuts to the hallway or the bathroom where the lights are on.

One interesting thing about this film is the audiences view of the character development. At first, the man seems to be just a creepy guy following this woman and her daughter wherever they go. Some might even assume that he planned on doing them harm. But as the film progressed and the man is in the child’s room hugging her, it makes more sense to deduce that he is probably the father of the little girl but isn’t allowed to see her. This is also proved when the girl looked out of her window and smiles as she sees the man flying away. There was definitely a story being told and it was executed is a very creative way.


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