Hey! My name is Esther Ariseloye, a 10nth grader at Fort Lauderdale High School that is currently taking the AICE Media Studies course. I was born in Lagos, Nigeria, and moved to the US when I was around five or six. I really love my culture because Nigerians celebrate just about anything. My favorite event that I've been to was my cousin's weddings. She held two because she wanted a modern and traditional Nigerian wedding, and they were both the most beautiful things I've ever witnessed. 

An example of an African wedding

I don't really have any hobbies other than to draw and watch some movies or shows. I'm not really a social person but I wouldn't call myself antisocial either, and I wouldn't consider myself a brainstormer that always has an idea or is always creative. I'm a pretty straight forward person, but I do know the difference between when and when not to say something. I don't usually let what people say affect me because, at the end of the day, I'm the only one living my life and making my own decisions, therefore, I have to be able to think for myself. 
To be completely honest, I did not even choose to be in this course because I had no idea what we would be learning. Though I did want to choose an AICE class to work towards my Cambridge diploma, I still tried to refrain from choosing any classes I didn't really have any information on. However, after being in this class for about six weeks, I actually don't regret being put in this class. so far we've been working on some projects, which I actually found interesting because they didn't put much of a limitation on the creative process. I think that's really cool because when projects are usually mentioned, they don't really appeal to the students, which makes them very unenthusiastic about completing them. Unlike those types of projects, the students have been able to include their own ideas into the Media Studies assignments, which keeps them interested. 
I also really like the teachers because they don't seem strict, but more straight forward. They are very good at explaining the instructions and answering any questions that the students have. When it comes to the assignments, they give us plenty of time to work on them, which is very considerate because we students do have assignments from other classes that need to be worked on, so there isn't much stress about completing the assignment on time. Overall, I think I will be enjoying this class more and am looking forward to what we will be working on in the future.


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