
Showing posts from November, 2021

Convention Research: 12 Monkeys

A short film can be made in different ways. For example, Le  Jetee was a series of pictures with audio that was narrating the story. A motion picture isn't the only effective way to portray the events in a short film. The pictures were used as visualization of what happened. The narrating voice was used to tell the story and create the plot. In some  cases  a short film is a remake of a  full length movie. In other cases, the  full length  movie is an extension of the short. It is used to add more detail, character development and depth to the story line. On the other hand, a short film can also be the  base of a  full length  movie. The video helps explain ways a short film can portray the plot more effectively. This can help with the short film process because it helps  explains  ways to portray a story effectively using only pictures and sound. As stated in the article, Le  Jetee  was a work of art. Le  Jetee  was created using unconventional methods. One of these methods being

Convention Research: La Jetée

  This video gives advice on ways to better a short film. One thing the speaker in the video points out is to plan. This ensures he doesn't write a script for 10 people while only 3 people are in the short film. He also says to write everything that will occur. For example, the script, setting and plot of the short film. This is so you can know exactly what will be needed to complete this film. This also helps you to know what you need to go back and change. Another thing the speaker says is to do the opposite of your first instinct. The example he gives is that instead of having a figure showing in the mirror when the actor raises his head, he instead did nothing. He continues to explain that he does this because his first instinct is also what most viewers would expect to happen. So instead he chose to not go with his first instinct. This choice allowed more tension and suspense to build up for a later event. If he would have went with his first instinct the built up tension woul

Convention research: 9

The short begins  with a  doll (5)  hitting  something on the ground. He then walks over to another doll (9). 9 is standing by broken light and 5 seems to have an idea. He goes into his doll body and pulls out items that are used to fix the light. Then a loud sound can be heard and 5 tells 9 to take the light and other things and hide. 5 tries to fight the mechanical monster but is defeated. His soul seems to get sucked into a disk like  object  that glows green.  Later  in the short film, 9 is chased by  the  mechanical monster. He is chased for several minutes until he has an idea which  ultimately defeats  the beast. 9 connects two glowing disks and frees the souls of dolls who  had the  same  fate  as 5. The setting is a gloomy and deserted dump where dolls live. The  full-length  movie begins with a man creating a doll until he eventually dies from a spark. The doll (9) comes to life and travels outside to a deserted and destroyed town. He finds another doll (2) who helps him to s

Convention Research: Nuit Blanche

 This short film was very simple and short, but with a supernatural twist. Most of it takes place in slow motion and the entire film is in black and white. It begins with an establishing shot of the scene’s settings and immediately cues the non-diegetic music that plays throughout.  There weren’t too many different types of CAMS, CLAMPS, sound, and editing in this film. Since it is in black and white, it also isn’t that easy to distinguish the types of lighting. There is a lot of cutting between each character. Each cut either features a close up, mid shot, or full shot of the person. There are some over the shoulder shots that are used since both characters are looking at each other. The costuming is a bit more old school compared to now. That is mean to match the setting which also seems to take place in an earlier time. The props like the car also give away the time period because it is clearly an older car model. There is also some uses of zooming throughout the film. It seems to b

Convention Research: The last 3 minutes

  this short film was about the last three minutes of a man’s life. It is a drama that features a series of cuts, natural lighting, and non-diegetic music almost throughout the entire thing. The scene begins with low key lighting and a long shot to show the entire scene. That is common when a film starts just to show the audience what the scene looks like. Throughout the entire film, there is hardly any dialogue or spoken words at all.  Some angles used in the film are low angles, high angles, profiles, and even dutch angles which aren’t too common in dramas. For example, a low angle is used at the start when the man clutches his chest. This is showing that he is a victim of the circumstance he in. He is weak and essentially powerless because there is no one around to help him. Also, most of the scenes are filmed in from the point of view of the subject. As the man’s life is flashing before his eyes, his memories are in first person. The lighting used were mostly natural lighting. Ther

Convention Research: Are You Still There?

While watching this short film, I noticed that the production was very simple. Usually in dramas, there would be features like non-natural lighting added or at least two different settings within the time span of the 15 minutes the short film took place. There’s also usually a “villain”, someone that plays the antagonist. However, some things seen in typical dramas weren’t included. However, there were still multiple aspects of the film that represented those of a drama. First of all, there’s the lighting. Like I previously mentioned, there wasn’t really any non-natural lighting (none that are noticeable at least). What I mean by this, is that there didn’t seem to be any lighting used other than the ones that were originally part of the setting. Though it did include low-key lighting, high-key lighting, and three-point lighting, they were all generated by the light sources found and used in the scene. This would mean that in order to capture a specific type of lighting for the scene, i

Convention Research: Dust

  This short film was very consistent in the conventions used. Though there wasn’t that much difference in the editing, lighting, sound, costuming, or camera movements/angles, it definitely embodied the drama genre. It didn’t start off with any sort of establishing shot to show the scene, but from the context clues, the viewers are able to tell that it begins in front of the little girls school or some sort of class. There is non-diegetic music playing throughout but there are also diegetic sounds heard in the film. There is no form of dialogue or speaking, with the exception of the ending where the mother tells the child to turn the light off, so most of the diegetic sounds are made from objects in the scene. Some of the objects, or props, include the backpack or the light lamp. Some of the more significant props are the white powder and the wings which we could say is also part of the costuming. They seem to be added to be a part of the story or director’s message. The costuming over