Genre Research: Final Choice

 Out of all three of the genres chosen, we decided to finally go with Drama. The reason for this choice is that a drama is simply more flexible than the others. There are so many aspects to a film that can make it be considered as a drama. On the other hand, Horror and Comedy have a big more restraint.

When making a horror film, there has to be some element that “scares” the audience. Whether it is actually scary or not isn’t the point, but whether it creates a chilling atmosphere. It just didn’t really seem to fit into the prompt of our short film. We don’t want the audience to be too distracted by “not getting scared” to the point where they miss the message we are trying to send.

Comedy was a little more close than horror, but again, it didn’t seem to match our story. The main purpose of comedic films is to have the audience laughing. Another, more subtle idea, would just be to have traces of humor throughout the film. However, why would we want to add comedy to a film that’s meant to teach an important lesson? We want the viewer to be able to focus on what each scene is going to lead to rather than being humored by every little detail.

Now the reason we decided that Drama was more flexible, is because you could actually incorporate elements of every other genre into just one. For example, we can add some spooky or chilling elements to our short film, but not enough for it to be considered a horror. Same goes for comedy. It is possible to add some “funny moments” without making it seem like we are trying to make the whole film a comedy. Every Drama film has some element of another genre within it. It’s just a matter of how each of those elements are incorporated to not overshadow each other, or the main plot.


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