Planning Storyboard for my Toyota Commercial

Scene 1- In this first scene, I will be filming a 360 degree shot of the car to show all of the exterior design of the car. This will be a medium shot to show the whole car and allow for a moderate view. the location will be in my front yard but I will be blurring the background to focus more on the car. Scene 2- In this second scene, I will be filming the trunk of the car. This will be more of a close up on the trunk of the car. Since the features of the car will be mentioned, I will be filming someone loading items into the trunk to show the amount of space it has. Even though there will be a person in this shot, the main focus will be on what I am trying to showcase. This scene will be taking place in the front yard still. Scene 3- Still, in the front yard, I will film the driver getting into the car and starting the engine. This part is mainly an introduction to showing the internal features of the car. After entering the car, the driver will start the engine and the scene will tra...